
O down 18 LPs to go

Mhmm, I'm supposed to be presenting my lesson plans tomorrow and how many have I written? lol....guess.

How I stay alive?


I need to sleep...

Currently on an LSAT/ARABIC/SPANISH binge. In the hopes of making the world a better place, you ask? No, sir. In the hope of obtaining...

Alas, I'll be settling for Chocolatinis.  I'll let you know how the recipe works out. JK. I'm truly not the shallow, but I really would not complain if a significant portion of my life involved champagne and hot chocolate men.


Exito, que olor tan dulce y Palabras para sobrevivir

Back from D.C.  after a lovely day in the capital, a trip made unavoidable by the Spanish government's decision that student visas must be applied for in person.  We left NC around five and four hours (in a car, a half pound of candy and a series of heinous radio stations) later caught a glimpse and whiff of the capital city.  I've often referred to D.C. as 'one of the cesspools' of america (right behind NJ) but after being there for a bit I have to admit its nowhere near as bad as Jersey ;).  I might even have to take it completely off the list.

It was definitely an adventure.  I applied for the visa (the administrators/officers at the consulate were way sweet), traipsed the streets, caught lunch at some hole in the wall and did some shopping.  My baby sister even almost got hit by a car.  I realized I still had a little egypt in me--and scared the crap at my mom-- when I started to run after the car and curse out said driver.  YA MASR!

The wait for my visa is supposed to be a month.  I'm really hoping so.

I might not be the most beautiful or sexiest, nor do I have the perfect body. I might not be your first choice, but I am a GREAT choice. I don't pretend to be someone else, cause I am too GOOD at being me. I might not be proud of some of the things I've done, but I am well pleased with who I AM. Take me as I AM, or watch me as I go!

--- Tasha Tavaras

هو ده!!


I jumped OFF Usher years ago

 but this...

is kinda my ish.  At the same time I have serious problems with this song...mostly the same problem I have with standard relationship ish nowadays.  People dont get married...they settle for 'wifey' and (worse) 'baby momma' status.  Initially listening to the song it's a cool bob n weave --hell I was singing along-- then I really heard  what the dude was saying.

baby loving you feels better than
everything, anything
put on my heart you don't need a ring
and I promise our time away won't change my love

ER?  You love me so much but I dont get a ring? You dont have the decency to give your girl your name?  Methinksnot!  Vows are the best promise a woman will ever get from a man and that's not even permanent.  These dudes can keep that kind of love; I'd rather sleep with my pillow, thanks.


I dig the Noisettes

They have made the search for an apartment infinitely more enjoyable.