

I dont feel like educating anyone today...... There is a lot of eye rolling going on and I am agitated.  Non-american's just will not understand. 

In other news, this is how I feel right now.


I love egypt and egyptians!


Yom el oola filsof

It's the first day, officially, a sunday (the weekend is friday/saturday) though I have been in class the last week with survival arabic...which makes me...
except not really.
The American University in Cairo...much like the city in which is claims to be.... is CROWDED!  3 classes down, one more for today, five total.
my isatitha are all nice..but all men.  Whaddup with that? One of them is particularly joven and gemeel but I think he fears not being taken seriously...and for this compensates by being extra strict. :(  Another is this random egyptian who brings toys to class...the other german....
I dont know either :D.
oh well.  at least they dont assign many books.  Speaking of books...
CAN WE TALK ABOUT HOW CHEAP MY BOOKS ARE??!! Average, $20.00.  its going down!!!
In other news I have hunger. I left all my money and cannot eat... *sadness* Another picture of my campus... 1.5 hours away from my dorm :(.
Ok, so that's really like ONE corner of 1/20th the campus...sue me.


Alex taubana wa aeyza move out of the dorm

Long long long day today.  I finally got a bus pass, student visa form, id and receipt from the AUC.   I'm glad most of the drama is over...this school is incredibly unorganized but I want to move out of the dorm and am afraid this will cause more drama.

Why would I want to leave my precious dorm, you ask? My dorm is in Zamalek which is essentially the little america of Cairo.  The food is expensive (not expensive by american standards but by egyptian) with a sandwhich costing 25 egyptians pounds, roughly 5 dollars.  I know, youre thinking 5 BUCKS? Get outta here, that's nothing.  But in downtown cairo I can get a bigger sandwich for 4 pounds, thats LESS THAN 75 CENTS YALL!

Egyptians can stretch a pound for real!

Why spend more when you dont have to?  Do I have an ATM sign on my forehead? Everything tastes better and is cheaper in the city. plus, Im not in the states.  I refuse to spend more money on something just because I have.

That is just...


Anywho, I rode a microbus yesterday...and knocked a couple years off.... AND IT WAS GREAT!  the driver had to be doing 75 minimum in cairene traffice with the door flopping open and windows all open. I also went to nasr city (with tye and april) which is just....an experience, for real. 

I'm bad at this blogging thing but hopefully I will get better.  MASALAMA!