
First days in Al Qahira

Yesterday... I landed, finally, after a 10.5 hour flight from JFK! I met the SWEETEST egyptian woman at the gate. Apparently she's a dual citizen, canada.  Anywho she was so nice, giving me all these tips and what not.  I also met about 4 other AUC abroaders and they are all frickin awesome! We later wandered around Zamalek (pretty nice area) and found dinner...

...or that's what was left :)

I had shwerma (sp? transliteration) which can be chicken or beef w/tomatoes, pickles and this buttery garlicky..tastiness on pita or a roll.  It was BOMB! I will be heading back to the stand today!

they took us for a felucca ride (which rocked, literally and figuratively) and I dabbled in the nile (an ill advised move)...about 3 times.  After we got back I met my roomie, this chick from norway who ROCKS MY WORLD!  We chatted for hours before hitting the sack about sex ed, amsterdam, alcohol, self control and family.  She's like me...except norwegian!

Anywho today we visited old Cairo, the oldest church...  

synagogue (couldnt take pics) and mosque ....
...in Cairo.   See the green      ^   blobs, the chicas had to cover up.  I wasnt complaining, most of the girls needed to cover up anyway...tank/halter tops and miniskirts in CHURCHES???!! In Egypt?!?! ...europeans, smh.

all-in-all awesome.  Am i overwhelmed?  Do I miss home?

honestly, I'm overwhelmed everytime I leave the dorm but in a good way.  The little bit of the city that I've seen is beautiful and distinct.  I've never been anywhere like here.  About home?  I dont feel like I left.   Maybe that says something about the city.  I chat up the important people on skype...and I didnt leave any serious physical things behind, minus my newly acquired snazzy wardrobe :( .  It feels good.

I love this plac,  random friendly egyptians (no one has sought baksheesh) and shwerma!


I leave in a few...

before I go I have to acknowledge some things that have been left unsaid. I have issues with
foreign currency...as in, it's really hard for me to look at it with any appreciation for it's value. To me foreign currency is like monopoly money. Second, I'm really gonna miss ... these guys
<----------------- (yeah, I know yall. the pic is four years old{oh graduation}, bite me), all of them...every single one, even though they haven't subscribed to my blog *cough*.

Okay time to go... I have to beat the crap outta lil brother number 2... enough to last 4 months.


The End of one Adventure and the beginning of another...

Wednesday I finished up with my internship. I had to run outta there in order to get my baby bro to football practice :( didnt get to bid my favorite judge farewell :( :(

I may go back next summer; everyone was awesome, really. I met so many people and adored every single one of them...even the attorneys on their crabby days are freakin awesome! It was all-in-all a great experience. There are no words.

God rocks! Yes, yes he does.

i have


until I get on that beautiful plane and make my way to the land of wonder and smog, Al-Qahira. I need to start packing/looking for luggage? I work well under pressure. I got my baby, she is lovely.

btw, just when I think I'm getting this arabic thing, I turn on Al-jazeera and realize (3 words out of 50 later) that I know jack squat, nada, nothing.


Words to Live by

"Real accomplishment is something rarely glamorous or ecstasy-filled: It comes from steady, reliable effort over time; a never-ending fight against ignorance and laziness; the cultivation of productive habits . . .; and the building up of skill and experience by constant effort."

-- Steve Salerno, "Pumped for Nothing: Motivational speakers are everywhere. What are they really saying?" Wall Street Journal, May 8, 1998, p. W11