
Chinchon, Madrid, España February 2011

El Plaza Mayor -- the main square in Chinchon

The plaza doubles as a plaza de toros during the summer time. 

Rustic, no?

Small plaza near the oficina de informacion turistica.

Iconic Catedral off the main square, visible in more postcards.  I wanted to go in, unfortunately it was cerrado.

Alex was here!

Allegedly this place is a big deal.  It also requires big pockets....hence the picture from the OUTSIDE.

Story of my life....

view from the Castilla de Chinchón, the castle.

La Castilla...o lo que queda.

Love this kid!

Chinchón would probably best be enjoyed with a significant other...as illustrated by the couple above....

but platonic adoration ain´t half bad....
HUG for brrryan.

Artsy, no?

Back in the plaza for a bocadillo de calamari AND....

anis....the prized drink from chinchon, also know simply as "chinchon"....

Try something new?  Yessir!

Trying something new doesnt always end well. 

The waiter determined that we would enjoy our anis (or chinchon) shared a little secret.  Allegedly if you add an ice cube to the anis and swirl it until it is mildly opague it tastes sweeter....

It didnt really go over well for me.

leaving chinchon...



The sky and the parada....

Video to come!


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