

11 days
266 hours
15999 minutes

till Alex hops on that plane and makes the trip home to Espana. About this time --before any of my adventures-- the gravity of what exactly I've done begins to sink in. Maybe I've done it too much to get nervous...maybe it'll hit when I get that window seat next to some awkward stranger for 12 hours.

I'm going to try and squeeze in a last minute trip to see guy, hereafter  referred to as A, despite the fact that he thinks it wont work because it happens to be the day before I leave. Alex says...I'm sleeping on the flight anyway.

Anyway A and Alex had fun this weekend. We now have a 'spot' and many established firsts. Him playing on a street corner/for a girl...a first.  Enjoying the trumpet...(for me) a first.  Sushi/Unagi...(for him) a first.  Walking out on a movie...a first; dude, flicks aren't cheap.  Chinese...(for me) a first, though I maintain that Arabic is superior.  Just doing....(for me) a first.  Having a plan...(for him) a first.  I do believe we are on the same page now ;) or at least I hope so because I totally put myself out there.

Anyway in the span of one weekend all the stuff I didn't want to say (but needed to) came out.  I think he did the same.  Relationships (that includes friendships yall, pfft) are about trust, free falling and all that crap.

I just really don't want to hit the ground because for a minute there I was channeling Meredith Grey in an...'I like you in a way that makes me hate you...pick me, choose me' way. *rolls eyes* Yeah.

I have a lesson to plan.


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