
هذا اليوم يومي, it's my birthday ya'll

im pretty sure thats NOT how you say "its my birthday" in arabic but who CARES?  I didnt get drunk last night...and tonight im going to bed at 11:00.  I am a 21 year old...old woman!  no really i have to get up at six tomorrow for class so....im saving my celebration for thursday, HOLLA!

today i ended up taking a taxi to main campus (13 L.E.) because there is no ten o'clock bus.  I sat in a horrible lecture...then proceeded to sit in the library for 3 hours, which was just about all i could take.

I got back to the dorms at 5...no net.  Went to the sudanese culture night...totally felt like a western prick pimping out a culture that had little (nothing) to do with the people parading around in fake leopard skin.  The girls bought me a WONDERFUL CAKE and sang to me....BESOS ladies, I appreciate it.

I ate some sudanese food, meh....and am now going to bed.  I wish the fam could be here.  love you much. tomorrow, insha'allah I will find wonderful shoes.... Oh....and do some learning?


Beyonce in Luxor for 250 L.E./$45 ?!

Oh, heck yes! I do love myself some beyonce and I DO need to go to luxor.  Nov. 6th, get excited!

In other news...I really need to remember names.  A certain individual called and for the life of me I couldnt remember the name. Sorry.   Said individual seems pretty straight up and insha'allah we will hang out more.

I may have lost a friend and complicated another situation but maalesh, poop happens.  If it's meant to be...you know the rest.

I'm thinking of maybe taking the GRE and applying to a dual jd/ma program but this could change....depending on how lazy I am feeling.  Masalama ya asdakauee


في الاوتوبيس

I have a sore throat and a short fuse...I need mouthwash and drugs.  I'm a patient person but for some reason people take this as weakness/an invitation to play games.

I dont want to snap and curse anyone out...totally out of character but a Cairo cold can make you do crazy things...+ im going to be on this bus for the next hour and 15 minutes to get back to the dorms.  I'm just waiting.

besos, yall...


انا الان في مصر

I'm back "home" after a week long trip to Greece and a few if it's cycladic islands.  I traveled with three other americans and we had a ball!  We flew from Cairo to Larnaca (cyprus) and had an obscene layover from like 10 -  8 am.  We decided to find a bar and chill but ended up just looking at the stars and avoiding random sketchies.  btw, I have never seen the stars so clear.

We landed in athens with NO plan...no hostel no nothing! yes, double negatives.  Anywho the people were super friendly and we ended up taking a bus to syntagama (city center in athens) then we kind of meandered our way through the streets till we got to hotel zeus.  14 euro a night per person. :)

Over a period of two days we visited

The Acropolis
The Parthenon
The Archeological Museum

The Acropolis museum
The market
The temple of Zeus

We left athens for Paros (cycladic island) on a blue star ferry.  I hate ferries...except i totally forgot i hated them until i got on the one for paros.  We watched the sunset but it was hella cold (tee jee) and the ferry was bobbing everywhere/we didnt have legit seats.

After a brief stop in syros we got to Paros at like 11pm and preceeded to walk along the water till we found our hostel.  Beaucause i am the luckiest person in the world, the hostel we wanted was closed...so we chose to walk around a bit....on empty streets.

We found this place called hotel john and I became "that girl".  You know, the stupid one that goes into the basement to see what the knocking was in the middle of the night.  That was me.  There was no one at the desk but there was a sign that said...go upstairs to the left....and I did.  Except, upstairs to the left there was some insanely dark door.....

So, I crept back down the stairs and whispered to the girls, 'theres a door'.  I have NO idea what they think I said but they turned around and hightailed it outta there.  I assumed someone was behind me....so i ran too, straight into the lady that owned the hotel where we would end up staying the night.

Yeah, that lady thinks we're crazy.

The next morning we hiked to see the old sanctuary of Apollo and stole some shells.  Poor angela is still certain the wind was apollo's wrath.  We've got a working title for the horror movie already.... Apollocalypse....GET IT? tee hee.

We grabbed breakfast and jumped on another ferry to Santorini, supposedly one of the locations of Atlantis.  I dont know about all that...but whatevskies.

I actually preferred Paros to Santorini but...maalesh.  can we talk about the awesomeness that is BLACK SAND??!! It's AWESOME! and...i totally rolled around in it. We also hiked a mountain...in FLIP FLOPS, to see the ruins of the ancient city of Thira.

I hiked up a mountain....

I am the most nonathletic person that ever existed and I hiked a mountain in my rainbows, which are now dead, I'd dearly appreciate another pair, parents of mine.

I'll post pics soon.  All in all, loved greece.... LOVE EGYPT MORE!