
In less than a month Cairo and ..other news

Next week I'll order my baby, my pride and joy.


I think I'll call her keira. I spend a good portion of my day staring at her...and going over her specs.

I'll be taking her with me to Cairo. CAIRO! Less than a month! I'm in the process of getting shots, visas and money! So excited and kinda intimidated. I speak very little arabic, and even less colloquial. This isnt like the trip to spain. That was only a month and a half...and I could speak the language. Insha allah, everything will work out.

I love my internship. It's a DA's office in a small town but the people are super sweet and really on top of their ish. I mostly do secretary stuff because...well I'm an undergrad but it's still pretty great.

Kinda related, I have acquired an incredibly inappropriate crush on a completely inappropriate individual. I mean, he's not inappropriate but that whole thing....is just...wrong. I can't help it :) Rivkah and her older guy thing may be contagious, yes babe I just called you out !! I mean he is REALLY too old. I will endeavor to keep my inappropriate feelings to my inappropriate self.

I'm so optimistic about the future. Definitely going to law school, hopefully in NC. Being a trial lawyer doesnt seem so bad. I mean, they dont make a lot of money but it's not about the money, right?


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