
Words to Live by and J's visit...

What other people say about you is none of your business
                                                          --- Anon
...because having haters probably means you're a baller and didn't know it.

In other news, J drove 6.5 hours from Atlanta to hang out with yours truly --I still gots it ;).   Last time we had serious hang time, we went hiking in N. Georgia so I figured another hike would be a good way to start our first day.  We rode out to Lake Wheeler, Warsteiners and chicken wings --yes, chicken wings-- in tow.   As soon as we got out of the car I realized the hike wasnt gonna happen.  NC summer = hot + humid.  We walked for five, plopped down beside the lake and destroyed lunch instead.

We hung out for a bit, come back, cleaned up and left for fayetteville street --the only part of NC that meets J's seal of approval.  As J and I are both sushi freaks, I chose Sono.  There was a lot of this ...

and a bit of this

Now that I think about it, it wouldve been perfect had the waiter not spent the night trying to pick up my dinner companion.  He kept insisting J let him know if he could 'be of service', made zero eye-contact with me and offered J a free drink, despite the fact that J was the DD.  Take note, I'd ordered a $10 cocktail.  Did the waiter offer to comp it?  No, Sir! Then he had the gall to look disappointed when J left the table and reluctantly took the dessert order from me.

How did this dude know I wasnt his girlfriend? 


It did comfort me to know ol dude was totally barking up the wrong tree.  He deserve to get worked, acting funny.  

Day 2 was the Museum of Art --a surprisingly nice museum-- and general chill time.  The museum was better than I expected, architecturally breathtaking, relaxing and a welcome reprieve.  We even pulled out our screwdriver Doctor Who style and examined the collection...the nerdom never stops.    

There was also a good deal of ....
and the requisite amount of shouting, jumping up and down and trash-talking that inevitably comes with it.  Oh, oh, yes, yes and J was also introduced to the bounty and wonder of Bojangles.  All-in-all the last two days were a serious win.  Same time next month?


Having no job post-graduation kinda feels like...

Dear Sinatra,
Why are we so in sync?

I'm going to have to cosign on all those sentiments. I have scattered my good name all over town in the hopes of a callback...okay, I've been kinda selective about it but still.

Okay, fine, I dont really want a 'job'; I just want to network and I want it to mean something. The things I want are exclusively for first year law students.... :(

The good news is I have (LSAT/arabic/spanish) study time and I think I'm going to start teaching spanish classes on Saturdays at the church/mentoring young girls. Yes, someone thought it was a good idea for me to warp their little kids! MUAHAHAHA!!


I remember something quite similar, ;)