
Please date that Indian girl/expat itch/Emory Love!!!

I have had so many conversations over the past couple of weeks with many different people (white/black girls/guys) on the issue of race and dating...enough to make me want to spill it out here...cause this is my journal and you dont have to read it :P

I understand that people operate within a comfort zone but it bothers me to NO END when they refuse to step outside of it.  Guys, there are beautiful, intelligent and ambitious people out there and they may not necessarily look like you.  It doesnt mean you sacrifice who you are culturally; it doesnt mean you are a sellout; it doesnt mean you need to make excuses.

I dont get it...I have met so many highly intelligent people who would NEVER consider dating the rainbow...welcome to judgement lane.  Aren't we past this?

I'm not pretending to be colorblind or that racism doesnt exist.  Hell, sometime I say racist stuff; however, there is a process of self-correction.  As an aside-- people who pretend to be colorblind are full of it.  We are not all the same.  No, I can't use white girl's hair products unless I want to go bald.  It's basic...we're different.  Learn differences and move on...

P.S. objectification is NEVER cool.  I would not... (repeatNOT date an brown/white dude that only dated black chicks...or a black dude that only dated black chicks for that matter.  Because we have to be honest...even if your black you are objectifying me.  You are dating what I am instead of who I am.

Okay, I did it.
No more asking if I will date a ___ guy...
I'll just send you the link for this post


Oh God... I must get out of this country.  I have been stateside for over a month and if I dont leave--say in the next six months or so--I may have to stab someone...in the eye, the left one.  

I'm making a list for my gap-year...of things/places to do/see.   Along the way I have found a few resources that have caught my  eye.


¿Hablas el español y quieres mejorarlo?  Si hablas un poquito del espanol puede suplicar este programa.  El ministerio de educacion esta buscando norteamericanos con experiencia (un titulo de la universidad es suficiente) para ensenar el inglés sobre espana. He entregado mi suplicacion y ahora estoy esperando una respuesta.


If you're interested in languages in general this program seems pretty awesome.  Yes, I applied.  No,  I dont know if I will be going yet.  So there it is.


There are also intensive programs in Morocco (Al Akhwayn U) and CASA...which anyone with three years of arabic experience should look in to.   There is a long list here...emory does a much better job that I do.  

Speaking of Emory, I love my school--soon to be alma  mater--but I refuse to spend $400 on a class ring that I will probably stop wearing as soon as I go to grad school.  Can anyone explain the logic to me?  Do you know what you can DO with $400 or 2,187.05 LE?   Thats some ish.  

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