
huwa sahee

In my experience, those who do not like you fall into two categories: The stupid and the envious. The stupid will like you in five years time. The envious, never.


¡Feliz Navidad y Año Nuevo!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year all! 

As soon as I got off the plane I wanted to die.  It was cold, people, very cold.  Like virtually every other person who had the misfortune of leaving sunny Cairo for JFK I promptly got a cold.  I'm not sure if it happened during the 12 hour flight or during the 12 hour layover in JFK...not fun.

Anyway, the fam totally made it worth it.  They enjoyed their gift and whatnot...my mother even stole my red, black and white (yalla masr) gallibaya but I wont choke her or anything.  She's lucky I plan to go back otherwise there would be some definite choking going on...plus she was really passive-aggressive about getting it from me in a way that can only be compared to the stereotypical guilting that is the favored past time of stereotypical jewish moms.  

If she reads this I am screwed but she has managed to avoid this place like the plague during my time abroad...so I doubt I'm in any real danger.


Anyway, this is post-Egypt Alex. I'll write again when I'm feeling more inspired.  Live long and prosper! yes, I totally went there--star wars is still better.